Working with Green Screens – Ideal World vs. Real World

We’ve been using green screens and chroma key filters in our WirecastLive and ScreenFlowLive shows as well as our webinars for a number of years now. During this time, we’ve learned a lot… but that’s not to say we don’t still have much to learn. One of the most important things we’ve learned over the years […]
How to Add Facebook Live Comments to Your Wirecast Live Stream

Did you know that we include a free copy of NewBlueFX Live Titling software with every copy of Wirecast 8? This means you can now easily interact with your audience, read Facebook comments and push them to your live stream! This is possible because NewBlueFX created over 60 unique titles and templates (that can be […]
How to Live Stream to Multiple Destinations with Wirecast

Already live streaming? Why not stream to multiple destinations (and record) all at once? Streaming to multiple destinations is an effortless way to grow your audience, expand your reach and number of views. Wirecast can easily be configured to stream to multiple destinations and record simultaneously. But a word of caution before you start. More […]
Introducing Wirecast 8: New Peer-to-Peer Conferencing, Facebook Live Comments, Multi-Viewer and More!

Wirecast 8 is here! With a ton of new features and updates to make your live broadcasts (and life) even easier. We designed a ton of new tools just for you. Like new powerful new peer-to-peer conferencing, social media engagement features, iOS app, new audio capabilities and more! With tons of new features, we know […]
Wirecast and NDI

Now you can produce your live shows in a whole new way! Wirecast live streaming production software has added Network Device Interface (NDI™) capture support with the release of 7.6. Newtek’s high-quality, low-latency NDI protocol is a technology that makes it easy to bring IP video sources from your workgroup into Wirecast across your local […]
3 Steps To Successfully Leverage Facebook Live

Did you know that 80% of people polled would rather watch live video than read a blog post? This may seem like an odd statistic to start of a blog post, but today’s topic called for it. We are here to talk about the best ways to leverage Facebook Live.
12 Steps To Streaming Professional Multi-Camera Productions To Facebook Live With Wirecast

Did you know that Facebook generates 8 billion video views per day and that people spend 3x more time watching live video than pre-recorded video? It seems that live video such as Facebook Live is here to stay.
How to Monetize your Facebook Live Content

The past year has shown significant growth in the live streaming industry. For many small businesses, Facebook Live has become a strategic aspect of their marketing plan. While streaming live shows is great for brand awareness and customer engagement, it is an equally great way to make money!
Stream to Facebook Live directly from Wirecast!

Wirecast Now Enables Professional Quality Live Video Streaming to Facebook