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April Fools

Telestream Announces Hand-Powered Live Streaming

New Release Makes the Production of Live Streams Easier, Allowing Streamers More Hands On Control of Their Production

Nevada City, California, April 1, 2016 – Telestream® a leading provider of live streaming applications and video tools, today announced a revolutionary new hand-powered version of its award-winning software, Wirecast. Dubbed “Wirecrank,” this manual version of the application extends its capability beyond helping live internet broadcasters create professional quality streams with beautiful graphic templates, dynamic editing, live switching, and green screen technology to include additional tactile feedback, aerobic exercise, and a higher pressure workflow. Wirecrank introduces customers to a more classic control scheme, and a “really, really retro” look and feel to those familiar with the software. The new version will ship with an antique hand crank that can be attached to any computer with an available USB 3.0 port. The crank handle will completely control the quality and speed of your live stream via rapid manual rotation in a clockwise direction, allowing for a totally real-time, manual live streaming system. The new control scheme will allow broadcasters to get a more visceral feel for how their live stream is performing, and make thApril Fool'sem directly responsible for the outcome and viewing experience.

“We wanted to put the control of their live streams in the hands of our customers… literally,” said Tom Prehn, Wirecast Product Manager.

Customers agree. During the beta-release testing phase last week, the Wirecrank team received overwhelming positive user feedback.

“I get to live stream and get exercise at the same time!” reported Johnathan Jacobs, an early beta tester. “I also liked the two week wait time while they shipped me the handle. It gave me time to think about my purchase and reflect on the role of live streaming in general in my life. I think they really thought it through the whole experience.”

Another power user, Michael Sharp, from Sharper Streaming, loved the classic feel and new user experience, “It’s cool; it feels like I’m churning butter or something. I feel really connected to the internet and stuff. Now, if they would just make a left-handed version,” quipped Sharp.

Wirecrank v1.0 makes it even easier and more work than ever before for internet broadcasters to create and maintain professional live streams that convey a consistent level of personal exertion and perspiration. With a simple, constant rotation about 100 RPMs, anyone can stream a full 720p HD stream at about 2Mbps, if they have the bandwidth. Cessation or slow-down of the rotation motion results in a slowed or stopped stream; a one-to-one input/feedback relationship.

“When designing this we thought, ‘How can we make live streaming even simpler, more fulfilling and more hands on at the same time?’” said Tom Prehn. “We thought this was the perfect balance.”

All indications are that there are great things ahead. At Telestream, the Wirecast team is excited by the future potential for Wirecrank and is looking at integrating other classic, 19th century technologies in their solutions.

“We think delving into our past and moving backward is a major step forward,” said Simon Clarke, Director of Desktop Engineering. “This is just the 1.0 release, but we like to think of it as version negative 6.0. This is just the beginning. Back to the future, as it were.”

New features in Wirecrank v1.0:

  • A hand-operated USB 3.0 rotational controller.
  • That’s it.

Pricing and Availability
Wirecrank is available immediately from as a paid upgrade for existing Wirecast customers.  New users can pay for the full version and receive their hand-powered crank in the mail approximately 2 weeks after the date of purchase. Pricing is still being determined.

About Wirecrank
Wirecrank is the only cross-platform, hand-powered all-in-one live streaming production software that enables capture, live production, and encoding of live streams for broadcast. With Wirecrank 1.0, broadcasters can simplify the process of creating a consistent, quality streams using a manually operated crank handle. Wirecrank is ideal for streaming and getting exercise at the same time, and for those looking to take their streams back to the next level. A Mac or Windows computer that meets Wirecast’s minimum specs and has an available USB 3.0 connection or port is required.

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