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How to Create a Successful Content Strategy Plan

Ever wonder if your social media marketing strategy was on track? Are you getting all the Likes, Followers, and Subscribers on your social channels that you think you should be getting? Do you feel like you’re doing everything right, but still not getting a successful return for all your time and effort?

Video Mastermind, Owen Video recently joined Andrew Haley on the WirecastLive show and he had some very candid advice on not only how to grow your audience, but more importantly, how to turn all those videos you’re churning out into revenue.

Owen outlined the P3 Content Strategy – Platform, People, and Purpose and explained how keeping these three things in mind when creating your videos can keep you focused and create a more targeted message for your online viewers and ultimately a more successful conversion rate on whatever you’re offering.

P3 – Platform – People – Purpose

No 1 – Make your video for the platform you are posting it on. Don’t just re upload a video your created for Facebook to YouTube as the message will be different for each audience. The language is different and they’ll know you cut corners and didn’t take the time to create a message specifically for them.

No 2 – Focus on the people and their needs. Who is your Avatar? Who is your target audience? Create videos that speak directly to that audience and address their specific wants, needs, and or the offer your are providing them.

No 3 – Have a purpose or call to action and make it a singular and primary focus of your video. Don’t ask for too much so your viewers don’t loose track of your CTA.

To watch the full interview, please visit our WirecastLive show “How to Grow Your Facebook Audience.”

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