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3 Things to Consider Before you Start Live Streaming

To learn more about Telestream desktop products, click here.

Are you thinking of starting a live stream? Before you take a deep dive into available software and the equipment you’ll need, consider the following three things to make sure you’re successful.

Creating your live video strategy

Develop your niche

Who you are, who your audience is, what they can expect from you- By taking the time to ask these questions, you’ll develop a target market which will make it easier for you to grow your show and build an involved community

Create your content– We recommend outline your show topics at least 2-3 months out. This will give you peace of mind and you won’t find yourself scrambling for. “what you should talk about this week.” Your audience can tell if you’re unprepared so come up with your content well beforehand so you can plan and prepare.

Consider your Environment

Internet connectivity
– make sure you have a reliable connection and that your speeds are up to par with the demands of live streaming.
Power- do you have the power capabilities for everything that you’re bringing in? Make sure you won’t short what you currently have.

Space/ rack set-up- bringing in cameras, microphones, and hardware can take up a lot of space. Make sure you clear room so you’re not tripping over cords.

Testing your live stream- always test before you go live, especially if it’s your first try.

Consider how you will brand your video

Where are you going to stream your video? – Make sure you are streaming to where your audience is. Do some digging and see which social channel your followers spend the most time on. It may even make sense to create your own channel if you have a large enough following.

Will you also create social channels to let people know about your live streams?- Marketing is a large component of live streaming. If you don’t market your show, how will people know when to tune in? Consider posting across all social channels with your show information so you can reach the most amount of people.

Once you have these 3 things nailed down you’re that much closer to getting your live stream up and running. Having the answers to these questions will help you create a solid show and set you up to build a large audience.

To learn more about Telestream desktop products, click here.

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